
File Handler Works!

This past weekend has been very productive. The script is now automatically picking out the file extension and using that to filter out the other files which the user doesn't want (e.g. thumbs.db, OSX files, etc.). This makes it faster for the user since they simply choose the first file of their image sequence and the script takes care of the rest.

The next step will be to create the image viewer. I see some trouble coming since Maya doesn't have a resize for the image command. One work around will be to load up the files as an animated texture and do screenshots of each frame with a perpendicular camera through the saveImage command. The thumbnailed images will be used for the GUI window while the full-resolution images will be used by the script for the actual processing. The image dimensions also need to be queried so the height and width ratio can be applied correctly to the NURBS plane. After doing some research it seems querying the outSize of a node will work.

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